Industrial Injury and Asbestos Related Disease Claims
We deal with claims for industrial injury and disease such as industrial deafness, vibration white finger and asbestosis. The common factor with such claims is that they arise as a result of exposure during employment without necessary protection being provided by the employer – whether it be exposure to excessive noise or exposure to asbestos. We have specialist knowledge in asbestos related disease claims.
A large volume of these cases in Northern Ireland involve Harland and Wolff plc as asbestos was widely used in the ship building industry. There are however many other industries which used asbestos – such as textile industries and power stations. We have successfully brought claims on behalf of individuals who have been exposed to asbestos in the building industry, in power stations and in a large number of factories and work premises throughout Northern Ireland.
The time period between exposure to asbestos and the development of symptoms is often long – frequently up to 40 years and beyond. As a result people are still being diagnosed with asbestos related conditions including pleural plaques, diffuse pleural thickening, asbestosis, mesothelioma or lung cancer with asbestosis.
All of these conditions can obtain workers compensation if they can be attributed to a period of employment or former employment.
If you have been diagnosed with one of the above conditions, or suspect you may have been exposed to asbestos, or have some other type of industrial injury or disease, contact us today to arrange a free initial appointment to discuss.