Tax, Wills, Trusts & Probate
We advise farmers and rural landowners on succession issues, in particular in relation to their wills and tax planning.
We advise on the interaction between agricultural and business assets and inheritance tax issues. We are able to provide inheritance tax planning advice both pre and post death to ensure maximum reliefs are obtained with the help of a will attorney. We advise on agricultural and business property reliefs to minimise tax and attempt to ensure the smooth transition of estates and farms to the next generation.
Our services include drafting wills and re-arrangement of asset ownership to maximise the reliefs available; deeds of variation to maximise the reliefs available; succession and lifetime asset planning and gifts to minimise inheritance tax payable on death; use of discretionary and other trusts to minimise potential inheritance tax; and submissions to H M Revenue & Customs to maximise agricultural and business property reliefs.
Please contact Mark Jackson or Ruth Graham for further information.